Playday results are posted on the KWGA Golf Genius portal and $4 prizes are paid at the end of the year.  One award is given for every 4 players on Playdays (1/4 of the field).  Prizes for Major Tournaments are awarded at the end of the tournament.  


CLOSEST TO THE PIN POT (18- & 9-Hole Leagues) 

The weekly sign-up sheet will be at the check-in table. Enter by signing the Closest to the Pin (CTP) sheet appropriate to your course handicap and putting 50 cents in the respective Closest to the Pin pot. 9-Hole League distributes winnings after play and 18-Hole League at the next Playday. Guests do not participate in the pots. If you choose not to participate in Closest To the Pin pot, DO NOT put your name on the sign at the hole.  If there is no winner, the pot will be carried over to the following week.  For 18-Hole League those already in the pot do not pay 50 cents the following week and only new names pay 50 cents and are added onto the carried over sign-up sheet. For 9-Hole League a new sign up begins and the pot grows because everyone pays 50 cents.


CHIP-INS POT (18- & 9-Hole Leagues)  

The weekly sign-up sheet will be at the check-in table.  Enter by signing the Chip-In sheet and putting 50 cents in the Chip-In pot.  A Chip-In is any shot holed out from off the putting green.  9-Hole League distributes winnings after play and 18-Hole League at the next Playday.  Each person entered will get an equal share of the pot for each Chip-In.  For example, if a person chips in on two different holes during the round, she will get two shares of the pot with the other winners.  Guests do not participate in the pots. Mark your scorecard denoting the Chip-In hole if you are participating in the pot. If there is no winner, the pot will be carried over to the following week.  For 18-Hole League those already in the pot do not pay 50 cents the following week and only new names pay 50 cents and are added onto the carried over sign-up sheet. For 9-Hole League a new sign up begins and the pot grows because everyone pays 50 cents.   


LOW PUTTS POT (18-Hole League)  

The weekly sign-up sheet will be on the check-in table.  Enter by signing the Low Putts sign-up sheet appropriate to your course handicap and putting 50 cents in the respective Putts pot.  Guests do not participate in the pots. If

there is no winner, the pot will be carried over to the following week.  Those already in the pot do not pay 50 cents the following week. Winnings will be distributed at the next Playday.    


 LOW PUTTS (9-Hole League)  

The player with the lowest amount of putts that Playday is part of the 1/4 of the field and earns $4 credit paid at end of year.


HOLE-IN-ONE CLUB (Combined 18- & 9-Hole League) 

The KWGA has its own Hole-in-One Club for KWGA 18- & 9-Hole League members. To join, pay the Treasurer $5 at any time before having a Hole-In-One. The Hole-in-One must be made at The Clubs of Kingwood courses only (Marsh, Island, Lake, or Forest) and can be made any day of the week and must be attested by an adult. The round including the hole-in-one must be played from no closer than the silver tees (no Accelerated rounds/games are applicable). The yearly time period will be from the first Tuesday Playday on the calendar in January until the Monday before the first Tuesday Playday on the calendar of the following year. The pot will be divided equally by the number of Hole-in-One Club participants who have made a Hole-in-One in this time period and were paid members of the Hole-in-One Club prior to their Hole-in-One. If a person has two Hole-in-One(s), she will get two shares of the pot with the other winners. The money will be disbursed accordingly at the January General Meeting.  



A trophy is awarded to each KWGA member who has a Hole-in-One at the Clubs of Kingwood (Marsh, Island, Lake or Forest Course) any day during the year, attested to by an adult, meeting same round criteria as the Hole in One Club.  Recognition will be made at the next General Meeting. 


BREAK PINS & BIRDIE PINS (18- & 9-Hole League) 

A pin is awarded to each 9-Hole League member who, for the first time, only, breaks 50 or who, for their first time only, has a Birdie on a Playday or in any KWGA Tournament.  Members must note the “break” or the “birdie” on their scorecard. Recognition will be made at the General Meeting.


For any 18-Hole League member breaking 100, 90, or 80 for their first time on a Playday or in any KWGA Tournament should note the “break” on their scorecard. No pins are awarded, but recognition will be made at the General Meeting.